Sunday, 10 May 2015

Google Celebrates Mother's Day 2015 with a Doodle

Google Celebrates Mother's Day 2015 with a DoodleNEW DELHI:  Google is paying tribute to mothers all over the world to mark Mother's Day. Its doodle today showcases a mother's unconditional love for her offspring, in not just the human world but in the animal kingdom too.

The second 'O' of Google's name on its main search page is animated. It starts by showing a duck taking care of her offspring. It then moves on to show a cub crying out, hearing which the cub's mother comes immediately. The animation then turns into a mother rabbit, on whom her four kids hop onto and play in a joyous way.

Finally, it turns into a child who is seen running towards his mother, with a sunflower in hand. He then gives her a tight hug. The mother then holds the child in her arms and gives him a peck on his forehead.

The concept of Mother's Day came into being in the United States after Anna Jarvis started a campaign in 1908 to make the day a recognised holiday. It was only in 1914 that it was recognised as a holiday in the US.

Different countries celebrate Mother's Day on different days. For countries like India, Canada, Australia, and Brazil, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

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